Redefining Gambling with Smart Contracts by Betform

Betform is a social platform specialized in betting that has been specifically designed to give a huge support to a peer to peer platform of gaming. The popularity of blockchain project has been spreading everywhere and it also spreads their existence into social gambling as well. When it comes to a project, naturally, the need for middlemen is also gone. On the other hand, this thing is pretty interesting to be evaluated especially to find out how the game works and succeed without the players or middlemen.

About Betform
Betform has a mission, which is to establish their platform as the best-decentralized platform in the social betting aspect. They offer the players with carious blockchain games and convenience will never be the problem of all players who sign up on their platform.

On the other hand, they want to gain success and popularity but still put the security standard on the highest level in the ecosystem. This platform could stand and walk until like today due to their effort on connecting the blockchains, involving the smart contracts on their system and payment channels. All of them work in a highly secure, low cost, and instantaneous manner.

How The Thing Goes
It turns out that Betform applies the blockchain technology to build the gaming network. The network is the home of various traditional functions such as the rewards that offered quarterly and paying out winning. This process, however, is held by using a little twist. The twist is managed by using smart contracts.

They have a solid team that works behind this technology. According to the team, Betform was initially a gaming platform and after time to time, it starts to be a gaming platform for professional players and others. Individual players around the world can also use this platform for fun and social too, which makes this platform stands out differently from other gaming platforms.

As we have mentioned earlier, Betform uses the blockchain technology and smart contracts to manage the game. They also have their own currency or native token. They use BFC or Betform Coin and it is based in the Ethereum blockchain. The good news is that the tokens can be used for several purposes such as:
  • Carry out any kind of transaction;
  • Functioning as the standard of the market for betting in the long run;
  • Integrating to certain types of apps and games.

The team is really positive and believes that the coin will get a great value, provide various new games, and the players will be more familiar with the platform. The confidence of them could stem from the truth and fact that the gaming industry is pretty big. In Asia, the gaming industry has gained USD 51.2 billion in during 2018. North America gained USD 27 billion.

Even though the game type is still considered as narrow, it includes Mah-jong (a board game from Chinese using 144 cards), Big Two (another Chinese game using cards and the winner is the one who had played all the cards), In Between, and the most popular is Texas Hold’em. Of course, you need to buy the token in the first place before starting to join the game. You better be prepared because the open sale of Betform’s token will be started on January 8 in the next year. There are at least 96 million tokens that will be distributed.

They also offer bonuses if you want to purchase as the early birds. For example, if you want to invest in day one then you may receive the extra 20% of your tokens. And then those who invest on the second and third day will only be rewarded with 10% additional tokens. Today, one BFC is valued about USD 0.10.

Features of Betform
Betform shows that they offer fair gaming process that has been proven. They apply the transparent method to generate the outcome of each game offered by them. They use the PRNG and it has been checked and certified by a popular yet reputable lab for testing. The players are able to access and then verify all the games history anytime and anywhere as long as they have an internet connection.

If other casinos are focusing on the game and never give the concern to the player, Betform offers a fun game while the players are still able to socialize with other players. If you have a friend who plays in Betform, you definitely can join their table. Other than that, feel free to make new friends during the game because this platform allows you and is designed for that.

As we have mentioned earlier, Betform wants that everyone who involved in the process gets the best state of mind especially when it comes to the transparency and security. They use sophisticated technology to provide an efficient gaming environment while the security is also the priority for them. Since the operations are held by the smart contracts, you do not need to worry about your money especially if you won the game. Smart contracts technology would pay out your winning fees immediately after the round of your game is finished.

Since this platform has been checked and certified by a well-known licensing jurisdiction, there is no worry if you want to play and bet using the gaming platform. Everything is very safe yet transparent so everyone could play without worry. The Betform coin can be stored in the Betform Wallet and you can gain another coin much easier. Even though the app is interlinked with the third-party, there is nothing to worry about.

Each player will be offered quarterly jackpot. Every time the quarter ends, the smart contracts will put 35 percent of your earnings during the quarter for your bonus. This thing is applied to the Big 2 Top and Texas Tournament best players respectively. Later, the smart contract will burn 5 percent of charged commission at the end of every quarter. It will allow you to gain more supplies of tokens. And this is all you need to know about Betform so far.

Betform Team
The Team
  • Edward Yeoh, CO-FOUNDER
  • JW Lai, Co-Founder
  • Omega Yuen, CTO
  • Ravi Teja, Smart contract and dapp developer
  • Nikolay Belyavsky, COMMUNITY MANAGER
  • Nikita Voronichev, COMMUNITY MANAGER
  • Giovanni Casagrande, ICO Advisor
  • Graham Doggart, ICO Advisor
  • Giacomo Arcaro, ICO Advisor
For detailed Team Members descriptions please check out: Betform Team or Join Telegram to communicate with #BFC team!


  1. Decision to Launch ICO in Singapore by Dec 2018

  2. Whitepaper concept finalization

  3. Game Development
    Sourcing of reputable gaming company

    Smart Contract
    Start of smart contract development

  4. Game Development
    Concept finalization and gameplay planning

    Smart Contract
    Development of state channel smart contract

  5. Game Development
    Gameplay finalization & design planning

    Smart Contract
    Development of wallet contract to hold our ERC-20 token

    Legal Advisory
    Whitepaper review by legal consultant

  6. Smart Contract
    Development of wallet contract to hold our ERC-20 token

    Obtain Legal Opinion

  7. Game Developemnt
    Alpha version ready

    Smart Contract
    Development of crowd sale smart contract

  8. Game Development
    - Beta version of APP ready
    - PRNG certification from Testlab

    Smart Contract
    Development of gaming smart contracts

  9. Game Development
    - Release candidate for APP version
    - Finalization of development of CMS & webs

    Incorporation of operation company for gaming license application

    ICO pre-sale start October 2018

  10. Game Development
    Launching of Lite version in Google and iOS store

    Smart Contract
    Finalization of gameing smart contract development

    Launching of Bounty program

  11. Smart Contract
    All smart contracts are audited

    Launching of Airdrops program

  12. - ICO Open sale
    - Gambling license application
    - Intergration of smart contracts and games

  13. Application for listeing in cryptocurrecy exchanges

  14. Target to obtain gambling license
    To release Full version of game after the license approval

Quick Link
  Official Website
  WhitepaperRead Now!



I am Blogger, freelancer, internet marketing who loved to reading and writing in a personal blog

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