Gastery - A Simple and Futuristic Platform for Restaurant Service

Mobile technology has touched almost every industry in this world. From transportation to banking, everything can be performed via the mobile phone. Unfortunately, this is not the case for restaurant industry. While it is true that food delivery service can be easily performed via the mobile phone, it is nothing compared to the development of mobile technology in other industries. This is exactly the reason why Gastery is developed. This mobile platform will speed up the waitressing process so people can have more enjoyable dining experience in the restaurant.

What Is Gastery
Gastery is a platform that is designed to automate and speed up the interaction between restaurants and their guests. With Gastery, guests can improve their dining experience in the restaurants because they can use all their time to eat and enjoy the food. Guests can choose order their food even before they set food in the restaurant. They also can pay the food via cryptocurrency which speed up the payment process. This platform uses geolocation technology to help people find a nice restaurant nearby.

The Main Goals of Gastery Project
The main vision of Gastery is to modernize restaurant industry and to let the convenience of mobile and blockchain technology to enter this industry. Gastery is developed for restaurant owners and also people who frequent restaurants. It will make restaurant service not only more time efficient but also cost efficient. This platform is available for iOS and Android so people can find good food and restaurant with the convenience of their own mobile phone.
  • Benefits for Guests
    Gastery definitely will benefit the restaurant-goers the most. Thanks to the geolocation technology used in this platform, users can check the map in the platform to find a nice restaurant in the vicinity. It also comes with an advanced filter which allows users to specify what kind of food or restaurant they are looking for. With this platform, users can make order faster and also pay more easily. After choosing the dish they want, they can immediately pay for the food using Gastery’s token in their wallet.
  • Benefits for Restaurants
    The best thing about Gastery is it is not only beneficial for the guests, but also for the service providers. By putting their restaurant in this platform, restaurants are basically promoting their service for people who are very likely to make a purchase. It also allows restaurants to analyse the behaviour of the users of the platform which can help with their marketing strategy.

Furthermore, Gastery also help restaurants to cut their operational cost. Since the guests can make the order and payment via the app, restaurants can hire less waiters and cashiers. This way, restaurant can reduce the cost of their food which eventually will attract more customers to visit their restaurants.

It is about time the sophisticated combination of cryptocurrency, blockchain and mobile technology arrives in restaurant industry. Gastery will be able to bring the highly awaited improvement and efficiency to restaurant service. By using Gastery, guests can maximize their time in the restaurant to enjoy their food, which definitely will bring positive impact to the whole restaurant industry.

Gastery Team
  • Vishniakov Nikita, CEO/CO-founder
  • Pankratov Ilya, CTO/CO-founder
  • Plotnikov Igor, CWO/CO-founder
  • Krishtopa Pavel, Sales Manager
  • Chetouane Mohamed, Copywriter & Translator
  • Kiruhina Maria, UI/UX Designer
  • Chizhkov Vadim, Blockchain Developer
  • Smezhnikov Maxim, SMM/Content Manager
For detailed About Team Members descriptions please check out: Gastery Team or Join Telegram to communicate with #WTR team!


  1. Inception of the Idea

  2. Market Research

  3. Preparation for a pre-Sale

  4. Token pre-Sale

  5. Preparation for the ICO, application alpha-test

  6. Application beta-test

  7. Start of monetization

  8. Setting up a local exchange

  9. Scaling (expansion to the largest Russian cities)

  10. Development

  11. Beta-test of the restaurant authomatization system

  12. Expansion to the regions

Official Links



I am Blogger, freelancer, internet marketing who loved to reading and writing in a personal blog

1 Response to "Gastery - A Simple and Futuristic Platform for Restaurant Service"

  1. Scam stay away!
    I understand that startups don't always work out, but have the decency to let people know what has happened.
