Almost everyone is now familiar with the word online shop. With the online shop will certainly be easier for people to get the items they are looking for or what they want.
With the online shop we do not necessarily have to meet the seller / buyer directly, without the need to find a form of 'market' physically, but only by facing a computer screen, the Internet connection is connected, we can do a sale / purchase transaction in a fast, convenient, and make it easier to find the desired item.
We all undersatand speculation is not enough and participation is what gives a currency long term sustainability
At PRO we believe in the power of relationships and giving the right connections inside of the e-commerce industry. PRO is creating solid relationships with businesses by offering tremendous value through educating them on the power of utilizing and accepting PROC as a form payment.
PRO Commerce will start with a supply of 15 Billion, will be allocation and distribution:
Most consumers are focused on savings and that is why PRO will be launching a one of a kind application where consumers will receive crypto-rebate rewards through the "Coin Back Platform". We are aiming to become one of the first relail friendy cryptocurrencies where merchants can receive payments from their customers on a secure platform that is simple to use.
Bitcoin haas laid an amazing foundation for all cryptocurrencies. Our goal is to develop a dynamic and efficient currency exchange application making it simple for people to convert fiat currency into PROC and Bitcoin and Vice versa.
PRO offers a unique retail incentive to those who love to shop online.
When consumers shop at some their favorite online retailers and receive PROC through the Coin Back Rewads platform they will become speculators.
Once they understand the power of decentralized cryptocurrency they will discover why cryptocurrency is far more exiting that tradisional cash back.
PRO platform is simple way for the masses to experience cryptocurrency without it seeming overly complicated. This is why it's imperative that we initiate our Coin Back Platform when we launch PRO.
With Solutions Apps, PRO team believes can compete and help all the people, and Businesses will benefit greatly from the 4 components :
- Business Development
- Education
- Brand Awareness
- Advertising
Team of PRO Commerce
- Carlos Contreras, Project Founder
- Irving Gerardo, Marketing Director
- Christian Orduño, Lead Applications Developer
- Rkana, Lead Blockchain Developer
- Hugo Camargo, System Architec
- Miguel Gastelum, IT Manager
- Max Rodriguez, Sytem Administrator
PRO Crowdsale
PRO Crowdsale / Initial Coin Offering ( ICO ) will start Jan 18, 2017 until Feb 27, 2017.ICO structure is fully transparent and is now using full escrowed on Bitcointalk , Escrow provide by Dabs & SebastianJu
Total ICO Supply: 15 Billion
Crowdsale Timeline: 40 Days

Escrow Agreement:
- The ICO with a multisig address 2 of 3
- The keys are held by Dabs, Patriarch and SebastianJu
- The escrow address is: 3NQu6d9aAVvX5RHCSh51RxQzbC8FzBGqY2
- Don't send from exchanges or other wallet which you don't own the private key
- Once the Wallet and the PRO Coins are released to the investors we will wait 7 days to see if problems arise with the wallet or Coin, then we will release the Bitcoins to the issuer.
More detail about escrow agreement, Please check this out!
So don't missed to be part of PRO!
More detail about PRO ICO, please check and subscribed on Bitcointalk.
Quick Links
- Official website: Facebook:
- Twitter:
- Announcements:
- Feb 10, 2017 : Announce Official Whitepaper- Feb 17, 2017 : A quick video PRO Commerce Update with Carlos Contreras
- Feb 27, 2017 : ProCommercce ICO is Over, 70 BTC Collected!
- Apr 23, 2017: Released ProCurrency wallets
Author: CryptoSmile
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